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  • Wuauclt exe do? What does the command wuauclt /showwindowsupdate

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    CSIT 321

    Lab 20

    April 1, 2015

    Name: _________________________________

    1. Go to http://www.1001freefonts.com/rfonts43.php download the Rod gau Apes font. Install it. Place your name below in 36pt Rod Gau Apes font.

    2. What does the process/command wuauclt.exe do?

    3. What does the command wuauclt /showwindowsupdate do?

    4. Go to http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc720477(v=ws.10).aspx and explain one of wuauclt’s other options/switches.

    5. What does the PowerShell Get-Hotfix do?

    6. Run Example 4 (the one that sorts on the installed-on date) found from Get-Help Get-Hotfix -Online or Get-Help Get-Hotfix -example . Paste the result below.

    7. What happens if you change the -1 to a 0? Don’t just paste the result but explain in words.

    8. What does Get-Hotfix | Get-Member do?

    9. What information is provided by the following fields of the Get-Hotfix results?


    10. Download and install LibreOffice (www.libreoffice.org) on your Windows 8 machine. Paste a screen capture showing you have done so.

    11. When downloading LibreOffice I noticed something called LGPL License. What is that?

    12. Download and install a FileZilla client. Paste a screen capture showing you connecting to your alpha account.

    13. Explain what FTP does in the context of the client-server model.

    14. What is meant by “passive mode” in FTP?

    15. When downloading FileZilla I noticed something called GNU General Public License. What is that? And how is it distinct from the LGPL mentioned above?

    16. Download and install the JRE. First I tried to go to java.sun but that was going to take too long and I ended up at cnet. Show that there is now a Java item on the Control Panel. (I ended up with a 32-bit version.)

    17. According to http://java.com/en/download/faq/java_win64bit.xml which version do they recommend?

    18. Is the Flash Player on your Windows 8 system 32-bit or 64-bit?

    19. How can one obtain the menu bar on one’s Internet Explorer?

    20. Which version of Internet Explorer was installed?

    21. How can one use the menu bar to reach the screen to make sure Windows is up-to-date?

    22. If you did not have the menu bar and you wanted to search for a word on a (text-heavy) web page, how would you do it?

    23. Paste a screen capture of the Manage Add-Ons dialog box opened from Internet Explorer.

    24. What is MIME? And what does the acronym stand for?

    25. I saw somewhere on the menu Caret Browsing. What’s that?

    26. Under Internet Explorer’s View item on the menu, explain the difference between increasing the Text Size and Zooming.

    27. What is the browser’s Status bar?

    28. How can one obtain the HTML source for a webpage?

    29. Show a page with the developer tool open.

    30. What is the path for Internet Explorer’s Temporary Internet Files?

    31. Tell me how to change how many days a page is kept in the History.

    32. Tell me how to delete the History.

    33. What is your Internet Explorer’s Security Level? How do you know?

    34. What is your Internet Explorer’s Privacy Level? How do you know?

    35. What is a Third party cookie?

    36. I saw an Internet Options/Advanced setting about “Using software rendering instead of GPU rendering”. Explain the distinction between the two.
    Katalog: ~blum

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    Wuauclt exe do? What does the command wuauclt /showwindowsupdate

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