• Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 2009 Developer Resource Kit Componentizing Windows XP Professional for embedded systems developers
  • Table of Contents Chapter 1. Using this Document 1
  • Evaluating Windows Embedded Standard 2009 (Standard 2009) 7
  • Security Updates 8 Product comparison 8
  • Developing your Standard 2009 Device 13
  • Testing and Deployment considerations 30 Configuring the User Interface (shell) 30
  • Configuring Components 35
  • Multilingual User Interface (MUI) 47
  • Chapter 4. Embedded Enabling Features 57 Introduction 57 BootPrep 57
  • The Enhanced Write Filter 61
  • File Based Write Filter (FBWF) 77 Registry Filter 77 Developing an image bootable from a CDROM 80
  • System Cloning Tool / Fbreseal 110
  • Embedded Enabling Features (EEF) 130
  • Component troubleshooting 139
  • Multilingual User Interface Pack 155 Miscellaneous 156 Boot time performance 157
  • Chapter 6. Servicing 163 Introduction 163 Servicing Methods 163
  • Delivery methods 174 Deploying Microsoft security updates 175
  • Deployment techniques 180
  • Security considerations 191
  • Servicing checklist 198 Using Image Difference Engine (ImageDiff) 198 Common servicing questions 199
  • Servicing-related Microsoft Corporation on-line resources 206 Third party tools and resources 208 Glossary 208 ADDENDA 209
  • Addenda 4. Useful keyboard shortcuts 215 Addenda 5. Windows Embedded Standard 2009 Troubleshooter 216
  • Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 2009 Developer Resource Kit Componentizing Windows xp professional for embedded systems developers

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    Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 2009

    Developer Resource Kit

    Componentizing Windows XP Professional for embedded systems developers

    Author/Editor: Mark Spencer Chamberlain

    Published: July 2009

    Applies To: Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 2009


    The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication.


    Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation.

    Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.

    The example companies, organizations, products, people and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, person or event is intended or should be inferred.

    © 2006-2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Microsoft, Active Directory, BizTalk, MSDN, Visual SourceSafe, Visual Basic, Visual C#, Visual Studio, Windows, Windows NT and Windows XP are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

    The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.


    This document contains information adapted from many sources, including MSDN®, and third-party developers. No functional guarantees are stipulated regarding suggestions offered in this document. There is no guarantee that a particular tip will function in every run-time scenario. Each Standard 2009 run-time image consists of a specific subset of Windows XP Professional components chosen by each developer to accommodate specific product requirements. The developer is ultimately responsible for creating and deploying the test plan that is appropriate to the product. The developer is strongly advised to fully test any tips used from this document. These tests should be based upon the developer’s unique product requirements and operational environment.

    Microsoft provides third-party contact information to help you find technical support. This contact information may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information.

    The third-party products that this article discusses are manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding the performance or reliability of these products.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Using this Document 1

    Target audience 1

    Embedded operating system version 3

    About the author 3

    Well deserved credit 3

    Chapter 2. Overview and Evaluation 4

    Introduction 4

    Servicing multiple versions of Windows XP Embedded 6

    Evaluating Windows Embedded Standard 2009 (Standard 2009) 7

    On-line tutorial 7

    Additional tutorials 7

    Case studies 7

    Supported target device processors 7

    Microsoft Support Lifecycle considerations 8

    Licensing considerations 8

    Microsoft support 8

    Security Updates 8

    Product comparison 8

    Comparison with Windows XP Professional 8

    Comparison with Windows Embedded POSReady 8

    Comparison with Windows NT Embedded 9

    Chapter 3. Development Guide 10

    Introduction 10

    Installing Standard 2009 10

    How to obtain 10

    Installing 10

    Problems installing Standard 2009 10

    How do I obtain and configure Licensing Runtime PIDs? 11

    How to upgrade your database to the licensed version 11

    Developing your Standard 2009 Device 13

    Introduction 13

    Development Master Checklist 14

    Quality Assurance Checklist 18

    Introduction to the Windows Embedded Standard 2009 Component Manifest 18

    Development Environment Audit 21

    Functional Audit 22


    Serviceability Audit 24

    Security Audit 26

    API Audit 27

    Reliability Audit 27

    Image Footprint Reduction 28

    Testing and Deployment considerations 30

    Configuring the User Interface (shell) 30

    Different Shells for Different Users 30

    Multiple user accounts 30

    Enabling the context-sensitive Help 31

    Removing the Windows splash screen after the Power On Self Test (POST) 31

    How to replace the boot screen with one of your own. 31

    How to disable "Windows is starting up" and "Windows is shutting down" type messages 31

    How to Customize the Welcome Screen behavior 31

    Disabling the "Turn Off Computer" button on the Logon screen 32

    Removing System and Application popups and Balloon tips 32

    Adding "Manage" functionality when building a configuration 32

    Enabling the classic Start menu 32

    Automatically start applications or a custom shell upon startup 32

    Removing the "Windows XP Embedded Evaluation" text in the shell 33

    How to enable context menus for "right-click" functionality in the runtime 33

    Changing the system font 33

    Disabling the Ctrl+Alt+Del keyboard combination 33

    Avoiding the Ctrl+Alt+Del splash screen 33

    Creating shortcut resources 34

    Centering the search pane in an Explorer file browser window 34

    How to hide the shell task bar 34

    Managing User Profiles and user settings 34

    How to hide the mouse pointer 34

    Configuring Internet Explorer as a full screen shell 35

    Configuring Components 35

    Automatic Logon 35

    Bluetooth 35

    .NET Framework 1.1 35

    .NET Framework 2.0 35

    .NET Framework 3.0 SP1 Setup 35

    .NET Framework 3.5 Setup 36

    File System 36

    IIS 36

    Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPV6) 36

    MSDTC and Cloning 36

    Network Command Shell 38

    NTFS encrypted file system support 38

    Security Template components 38

    Sysprep (Windows System Preparation) 38

    System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) 38

    Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) 38

    Fine tuning 38

    Hot plugging and hot swapping 38

    How to identify the computer name 39

    How to identify IP settings 39

    Licensing issues when you install Office on a runtime 39

    Applying locale settings to a run-time image 39

    Adding Japanese, Korean, or Chinese IME components 39

    Using Component Designer to create a Service Resource for a component 40

    Moving Event Viewer logs to an unprotected volume 40

    Using Standard 2009 to boot to a USB device 40

    Runtimes and Antivirus Software 40

    Netset tool 41

    How to set the Time Zone offline in Target Designer 41

    Where to turn on paging file support 42

    How to move or rename your paging file in your runtime 42

    How to clear the paging file 43

    Make your runtime behave as if it is installed on drive C even though it is installed on another partition 43

    Initiating System Shutdown 44

    Initiating System Hibernate 44

    Bootvis system boot performance analysis tool 45

    First Boot Agent 45

    Duplicating images to many Compact Flash and Flash Module devices in a production environment 45

    Where to find a list of Microsoft Certified Hardware products 45

    Does Microsoft support installation of Microsoft SQL Server into my Standard 2009 runtime image? 45

    Using SQL Server with Standard 2009 45

    How can I edit the Registry of my XP Embedded image, before FBA has run? 46

    Where can I find useful utility programs for use when developing a Standard 2009 Image? 46

    How to apply a static IP address to the runtime 47

    Multilingual User Interface (MUI) 47

    More information about supported Languages and Locales 48

    Using Development Tools 48

    Target Analyzer 48

    Target Designer 50

    Component Designer 51

    Creating driver components 53

    Installing third party driver and applications after FBA completes 55

    Installing a third party driver via rundll32 56

    Chapter 4. Embedded Enabling Features 57

    Introduction 57

    BootPrep 57

    Using BootPrep to prepare a storage device 57

    USB Boot 58

    Device Update Agent 59

    Setting a registry key with Device Update Agent 59

    How to judge whether a previous DUA command was successful or failed 60

    The Enhanced Write Filter 61

    Comparison between RAM and Disk-based Enhanced Write Filter (EWF) 61

    Deployment considerations 61

    The Enhanced Write Filter and Hibernation 61

    EWF Applications 61

    EWF Functional Modes; defined 62

    Deployment considerations 64

    Runtime maintenance considerations 64

    Installation and Implementation 65

    Setup procedure for EWF-DISK or EWF-RAM 65

    Setup procedure for EWF-RAM-REG 71

    Preparing storage media for EWF 73

    An alternative to RAM EWF using SDI 77

    File Based Write Filter (FBWF) 77

    Registry Filter 77

    Developing an image bootable from a CDROM 80

    Background 80

    Booting from an El Torito formatted CDROM 80

    Booting from an SDI file 105

    Remote Boot 107

    Remote boot applications 107

    Accessing hard disk volumes on a Remote Boot client 108

    Using Remote Boot as a means of servicing devices that are booted by using Compact Flash 108

    Maximizing performance of Remote Boot clients 108

    RAM boot and WinPE 109

    RAM boot using SDI 109

    How to stop a computer or laptop from booting from the network (PXE) and to load normally 109

    Remote Boot Services health checking 109

    Use the kernel debugger on the target system for troubleshooting Remote Boot problems 109

    Diagnostics messages 109

    System Cloning Tool / Fbreseal 110

    System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) 110

    Chapter 5. Troubleshooting 112

    Introduction 112

    Help from the embedded community 112

    Design tools 113

    Target Designer Development 113

    Component development 113

    Embedded image deployment 114

    Licensing 114

    Common issues 114

    Boot Time Errors 125

    First Boot Agent 129

    Embedded Enabling Features (EEF) 130

    Enhanced Write Filter 130

    Use EWF Manager to monitor and troubleshoot EWF 136

    El Torito 136

    Device Update Agent 137

    SDI 138

    System Cloning Tool and FBRESEAL 139

    System Cloning Tool modifies the wrong disk volume 139

    Cryptographic Service problems 139

    Component troubleshooting 139

    What to do if you are having trouble finding components 140

    Application Compatibility Core 140

    Application Verifier 140

    ATI Rage Mobility 140

    Automatic Logon 140

    Background Intelligent Transfer Service 141

    Client for Microsoft Networks 141

    Client Services for NetWare 141

    CMD – Windows Command Processor 141

    Command Shell 141

    Explorer Shell 142

    Device Manager 142

    Disk Management Services 143

    Display Control Panel 143

    DOS Windows on Windows Support 144

    Error Reporting 144

    Event Logging 144

    Hardware Abstraction Layer 144

    Help and Support Services 145

    Home Gateway 145

    HyperTerminal 145

    Images and Media 145

    IMAPI – CD Burning 145

    Internet Explorer Kiosk Mode 146

    IME Prototype 146

    Internet Explorer 146

    Map Network Drives/Network Places Wizard 146

    Message Queueing (MSMQ) 147

    Microsoft Management Console (MMC) 147

    MIDI 147

    Minlogon 147

    .NET Framework 147

    Net.exe Utility 149

    NetBIOS Driver 149

    NetMeeting 149

    Network Configuration 150

    Oledb Provider for Internet Publishing 150

    Performance Monitor 150

    Remote Access (RAS) 151

    Remote Assistance Channel 151

    Remote Registry Service 151

    Search Assistant User Interface 152

    Serial Input Support 152

    Security Shell Extension 152

    Software Installation Group Policy MMC Snap-in 152

    TCP/IP Netstat Command 152

    Telnet Server 152

    Terminal Services 153

    Terminal Services Web Control Extension 153

    Volume Shadow Copy service 153

    Windows Movie Maker 153

    Windows Picture and Fax Viewer 153

    Windows Security Configuration Editor Client Engine 153

    Windows XP Explorer User Interface 154

    Multilingual User Interface Pack 155

    Miscellaneous 156

    Boot time performance 157

    Tips for optimizing boot performance 157

    A walk-through of the windows boot process 158

    EWF and boot optimization 159

    Debugging 159

    Your application or driver does not work in Standard 2009 but works in XP Professional 159

    System memory dump files are not saved when you have EWF enabled on your boot drive 160

    Post mortem debugging does not work when using the .NET Framework 2.0 component 160

    User environment debugging logging 160

    General XP Debugging Tips, Tools and Techniques 161

    Kernel mode debugging overview 161

    Chapter 6. Servicing 163

    Introduction 163

    Servicing Methods 163

    Objective 163

    Image ownership considerations 163

    Device deployment and servicing options 165

    Flowchart 167

    Servicing strategy 169

    Delivery methods 174

    Deploying Microsoft security updates 175

    Where to get updates 175

    Structure of the Security Update DVD images 175

    Security updates strategy 175

    Back up your Component Database 179

    Obtaining, Installing and Managing Component Updates 180

    Microsoft support policy 180

    Licensing considerations 180

    Deployment techniques 180

    Device Update Agent (DUA) 181

    Using custom batch files, scripts or programs 183

    Systems Management Server (SMS) 184

    System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) 184

    System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1 (SCOM) 185

    Windows System Update Server Version 2.0 (WSUS) 185

    Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) 185

    Remote management 187

    Windows Preinstallation Environment deployment alternative 189

    Creating a derivative Windows Preinstallation Environment CD 189

    Using Windows Deployment Server to deploy Standard 2009 runtime images 190

    Security considerations 191

    Assessing your security risk 191

    Mitigating your security risks 192

    Building in Windows Security 192

    Securing the network 193

    Securing physical media by using Enhanced Write Filter 194

    Protection from computer viruses 194

    How to Install a Root Certificate into the Local Computer Trusted Root Certification Authorities store on Windows XP Embedded via a Registry Update 194

    Servicing checklist 198

    Using Image Difference Engine (ImageDiff) 198

    Common servicing questions 199

    When replacing critical system binaries do I need to disable Windows File Protection (WFP) first? 199

    How can I identify Operating System version, Service Pack level, and specific XP Embedded platform? 200

    A Script for reporting OS information 202

    Can I run a single Standard 2009 target image on multiple hardware devices? 204

    What is the relationship between XP Pro Security Update releases and Standard 2009 Security Update releases? 204

    Can I use Windows XP desktop Updates (hot fixes) in a deployed Standard 2009 runtime? 205

    How do I identify the hot fixes installed in my runtime? 206

    How do I obtain and configure Licensing Runtime PIDs? 206

    Servicing-related Microsoft Corporation on-line resources 206

    Third party tools and resources 208

    Glossary 208

    ADDENDA 209

    Addenda 1. Table of built-in Windows XP utilities 209

    Addenda 2. General Microsoft resources 213

    Addenda 3. Third-party resources 213

    Addenda 4. Useful keyboard shortcuts 215

    Addenda 5. Windows Embedded Standard 2009 Troubleshooter 216

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    Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 2009 Developer Resource Kit Componentizing Windows xp professional for embedded systems developers

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