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    KnowledgeBase (KB) Archived MedARKS Topic





    Installing MedARKS 5 on a Windows 95® computer:

    To install MedARKS 5 for the first time, you will need the following diskettes.

    1. The MedARKS 5 Program Installation/Upgrade (2 diskettes).

    2. The MedARKS FoxPro Runtime Library Files (2 diskettes)

    3. The MedARKS 5 Clinical Pathology Reference Values (1 diskette).

    If you have been using MedARKS 4 and have medical records on another computer, you will need several blank diskettes (10 should be enough) to transfer the old records to your new computer.

    Step 1: Get ready to install

    Turn on your Windows 95® computer and wait for the operating system to complete the initial tests. When you reach the Windows 95® desktop, click on the Start button (lower left) and choose "Shut Down" from the pop-up menu. In the "Shut Down Windows" window, click on the "Restart the computer in MS-DOS mode" choice and then click on the "Yes" button. When you get to the DOS prompt, type in the command:


    and press the Enter key.

    Step 2: Install the Foxpro runtime library files

    Locate disk 1 of the ISIS/MedARKS FoxPro Library Files and insert into the floppy drive. Type in the command:


    and press the Enter key. You should get a message indicating that this program will install the MedARKS libraries, version 5.xx. Press the Enter key to continue, read the next message and press the Enter key again. The available drives on your computer should now be listed in a box with drive C highlighted and flashing. If you are planning to install on drive C, use the arrow keys to move the highlighted bar over the appropriate drive choice. The runtime library files must be located on the same drive as the MedARKS program files or their location must be placed in the path command.

    Once you have the appropriate drive highlighted, press the Enter key and the installation process will begin. When the installation process requests the second disk, remove the first diskette from the floppy drive and replace with the diskette labeled "ISIS/MedARKS FoxPro Library Files Disk 2 of 2 and press the Enter key. The installation of the FoxPro library files should continue and you may be asked if the program can modify your Config.sys file; answer Yes to this question by pressing the "Y" key. Finally, press the Enter key twice to complete this installation.

    Step 3: Install the MedARKS 5 program

    Locate disk 1 of the MedARKS 5 Program Installation/Upgrade and insert into the floppy drive. Type in the command:

    A:INSTALL -I -r medarks5

    and press the Enter key. You should get a message indicating theat the installation program cannot locate an existing copy of the program. As this is your first installation on this computer, press the Esc key to continue. You will asked to specify the drive and directory for the program; accept the default drive and path by pressing the Esc key. If you are installing to another drive, make the appropriate modification to the default drive information. Next, you will be asked to specify the drive and directory for the data files; again, accept the default drive and path by pressing the Esc key. Now the program will indicate that it is unable to locate your MedARKS 4 data files and ask if the installation program should be ended. Normally, these files would have been already installed on your computer, but in the case of a Windows 95® computer, it will be easier to move the files after installing MedARKS 5. Press the "N" key to indicate that you are going to continue and then press the Esc key. The MedARKS 5 installation will begin. When the installation process requests the second disk, remove the first diskette from the floppy drive and replace with the diskette labeled "MedARKS 5 Program Upgrade Disk 2 of 2 and press the Enter key. When the installation process is complete, go to the next step.

    Step 4: Load ARKS and MedARKS 4 data files onto floppy diskettes

    Place one of the blank diskettes in the drive of your Windows 95® computer and type the following commands (press the Enter key at the end of each command line):



    Now remove the diskette from the drive and label as pkzip disk.

    Warning: It is assumed for these directions that the MedARKS 4 computer will be using the A: drive for the floppy diskettes. However, if the floppy drive on the MedARKS 4 computer is the B: drive (common on older machines), you will need to substitute B:, for A:, everywhere that it appears in the following instructions.

    Take all your blank diskettes to the computer containing your MedARKS 4 records. Insert the pkzip diskette (that you just made on the Windows 95® computer) into the floppy drive of the MedARKS 4 computer. Go to the C: prompt on the MedaRKS 4 computer (exit Windows if needed) and type in the following commands (again, press the Enter key at the end of each command line):





    C:\pkzip -& -xdrug*.dbf A:med-data *.dbf


    If your data files are large, you will be prompted for new blank diskettes as needed by the pkzip program. Label the diskettes as MedARKS 4 disk 1, disk 2, etc. When all your MedARKS records have been copied to floppy diskette(s), remove the last MedARKS diskette, insert a blank diskette into the floppy drive and type the following commands:


    C:\pkzip -& A:taxlist taxlist.dbf

    Again, you will prompted for new diskettes as needed by the pkzip program. Label these diskettes as Taxlist disk 1, disk 2, etc. When the Taxlist.dbf file has been copied to floppy diskette(s), remove the last diskette, insert a blank diskette into the floppy drive and type the following commands:


    C:\pkzip -& A:ARKS ani*.dbf spe*.dbf

    Now you should have all the files you need on floppy diskettes. Return to the Windows 95® computer.

    Step 5: Load ARKS and MedARKS 4 data files onto the new computer.

    Place the first MedARKS 4 diskette in the floppy drive of the Windows 95® computer and type the following commands:



    Note: The "-o" in the above command is the letter "O", not the number zero.

    If your MedARKS records are on more than one diskette, you will asked to insert the last backup disk; this is the last diskette in the MedARKS 4 series - do not insert the last ARKS diskette at this point. If you are asked to insert the last backup disk and you only have one MedARKS diskette, just press the Enter key. This note also applies to the following sets of commands.

    To load the taxonomic dictionary file, place the first Taxlist diskette in the floppy drive and type in the following commands:





    To load the ARKS animal records, place the first ARKS diskette in the floppy drive and type in the following commands:





    Step 6: Start MedARKS 5

    At this point, you should be set to run MedARKS 5. Type the following commands to start the program.



    The MedARKS program should load (this will take a few seconds depending on how much memory is available) and immediately go into the routine to allow you to set the system parameters for MedARKS (check the title at top of the screen). You will be asked a series of questions; if you are uncertain of the correct response, just press the Enter key (accept the default value for the parameter) until you reach the default printer question. At this point, use the arrow keys to scroll up and down the list of printers to find the printer you want or press the first letter of your printer brand name to just to that section of the list (e.g., press the "H" key to jump the HP section of the printer list). Once you have chosen a printer, press the Enter key to continue with setting the default parameters. Continue to press the Enter key to accept the default values.

    After you answer the last parameters question, the program should begin to generate indices and convert your MedARKS 4 records to the MedARKS 5 format. Depending on the number of records in your system, this conversion process may take from a few minutes to a few hours. Leave the computer running until the conversion process is complete, then quit the MedARKS program.

    Step 7: Load Clinical Pathology Reference Values file

    For the final step, locate the diskette labeled as MedARKS 5 Clinical Pathology Reference Values and place this in the floppy drive of the Windows 95® computer. Type in the following commands:


    and press the Enter key to start the installation. Read the introduction screen and press the Enter key to continue. Read the next screen and press the Enter key again. The available drives on your computer should now be listed in a box with drive C highlighted and flashing. If MedARKS is installed on a different drive, use the arrow keys to move the highlighted bar over the appropriate drive choice. Press the Enter key, and then press the Enter key again to accept the indicated path. The installation process should begin. If hard disk space is limited, as the final step, you can eliminate reference values for some species. The default choice is to keep all reference values, but you can choose to eliminate reference values on species not currently held by the institution or only species that have never been held by the institution. Use the arrow keys to highlight your choice, and press the Enter key. When the program returns you to the C: prompt, the MedARKS 5 installation is complete and you can begin to enter records. Type the command:


    to restart the MedARKS program.

    Call Technical Support if you experience any problems or unexplained error messages during the installation process.

    written by J. Andrew Teare, DVM
    Last update: 13.Sep.1998


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    * Species360 Organizational name change added on 07/18/2016

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