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  • Step-by-Step Guide to Deploying Windows Mobile-based Devices with Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 sp2

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    Step-by-Step Guide to Deploying Windows Mobile-based Devices with Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 SP2

    Microsoft Corporation

    Published: February 15 2008

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    Introduction 1

    Document Structure 1

    Deploying Mobile Messaging: Introduction 1

    Assumptions 1

    Software Requirements 2

    Optional Items 3

    Deployment Process Summary 3

    Planning Resources 4

    Messaging and Security Feature Pack Overview 5

    Features 5

    Security Features 6

    Advanced Security Features 7

    Administering the Messaging and Security Feature Pack 8

    Understanding the Direct Push Technology 10

    Direct Push Technology 10

    Network Architecture Alternatives 16

    Deployment Options 16

    ISA Server 2006 as an Advanced Firewall in a Perimeter Network 22

    Deployment with ISA Server in a Perimeter Network 27

    Deployment on a Single-Server 28

    Forms-based Authentication 29

    Deployment with the Exchange Front End Server in a Perimeter Network 30

    VPN Configuration 30

    Best Practices for Deploying a Mobile Messaging Solution 31

    Network Configuration 31

    Security: Authentication and Certification 32

    Deploying a Mobile Messaging Solution with Windows Mobile 5.0-based Devices 35

    Deployment Process Overview 35

    Step 1: Upgrade to Exchange Server 2003 SP2 36

    How to Upgrade to Exchange Server 2003 SP2 36

    Step 2: Update All Servers with Security Patches 37

    Step 3: Protect Communications Between Windows Mobile-based Devices and Your Exchange Server 37

    Deploying SSL to Encrypt Messaging Traffic 38

    Enabling SSL for the Default Web Site 49

    Configuring Basic Authentication 51

    Protect IIS by Limiting Potential Attack Surfaces 54

    See Also 55

    Step 4: Protect Communications Between the Exchange Server and Other Servers 56

    Using IPSec to Encrypt IP Traffic 56

    See Also 56

    Step 5: Install and Configure ISA Server 2006 or Other Firewall 57

    Install ISA Server 2006 58

    Install a Server Certificate on the ISA Server Computer 58

    Create the Exchange ActiveSync Publishing Rule 62

    Configure ISA Server 2006 for LDAP Authentication 73

    Set the Idle Session Timeout for All Firewalls and Network Appliances to 1800 seconds 76

    Test Exchange Publishing Rule 76

    Step 6: Configure and Manage Mobile Device Access on the Exchange Server 77

    Configuring Mobile Access 78

    Configuring Security Settings for Mobile Devices 82

    Monitoring Mobile Performance on Exchange Server 2003 SP2 86

    Step 7: Install the Exchange ActiveSync Mobile Administration Web Tool 87

    Download the Mobile Administration Web Tool 87

    Step 8: Manage and Configure Mobile Devices 89

    Setting Up a Mobile Device Connection to Exchange Server 89

    Using the Exchange ActiveSync Mobile Administration Web Tool to Track Mobile Devices 92

    Provisioning or Configuring the Windows Mobile 5.0-based Device 94

    Appendix A: Overview of Deploying Exchange ActiveSync Certificate-Based Authentication 98

    Configuring the Firewall for Certificate-based Authentication 98

    Software Requirements for Certificate-Based Authentication 98

    Downloading the Certificate Enrollment Tool 99

    System Requirements for the Certificate Enrollment Tool 99

    Steps to Enable Certificate-Based Authentication 100

    Configuring Exchange Server 2003 Front-End Server 100

    Configure Kerberos Constrained Delegation 100

    Configure Servers to be Trusted for Delegation 101

    Configure Windows Mobile Certificate Enrollment 101

    Overview of Certificate Enrollment Configuration 101

    Appendix B: Install and Configure an ISA Server 2004 Environment 104

    Installing ISA Server 2004 105

    Creating the Exchange ActiveSync Publishing Rule Using Web Publishing 106

    Configuring the Hosts File Entry 111

    Setting the ISA Server 2004 Idle Session Timeout 113

    Testing OWA and Exchange ActiveSync 113

    Testing OWA 114

    Testing Exchange ActiveSync 114

    See Also 114

    Appendix C: Troubleshooting a Mobile Messaging Solution 115

    Logging and Troubleshooting Tools 115

    Monitoring Mobile Performance on Exchange Server 2003 SP2 115

    ISA Server Best Practices Analyzer 116

    Issues Related to Direct Push Technology 116

    General Direct Push Troubleshooting Tips 116

    Path Troubleshooting Direct Push 117

    Verify Direct Push Initialization 118

    Troubleshooting Direct Push Using Logs 120

    Push Mail and GAL Lookup missing when syncing to Exchange 2003 SP2 with a MSFP Device. 122

    Issues Related to ISA Server 2006 125

    Double Authentication Required after Upgrading from ISA Server 2004 125

    Log Off when the User Leaves Site Feature Removed 125

    Windows Mobile Users Receive Error 401 Unauthorized 125

    Users Receive Access Denied Error Message 125

    Certificate Implementation Issues on the Server 128

    Communication Issues between the Front-end and Back-end Exchange Servers 128

    Frequently Asked Questions 128

    Appendix D: Adding a Certificate to the Root Store of a Windows Mobile-based Device 129

    Creating the Provisioning XML to Install a Certificate to the Root Store 130

    Creating a .cab File that Contains the Provisioning XML 132

    Distributing the CAB Provisioning File 132

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    Step-by-Step Guide to Deploying Windows Mobile-based Devices with Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 sp2

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